
Server application for geocoding (address -> coordinates) and reverse geocoding (coordinates -> address) on OpenStreetMap data.

Product Overview

Nominatim is a powerful server application for geocoding (address to coordinates) and reverse geocoding (coordinates to address) using OpenStreetMap data. This open-source solution powers the official OpenStreetMap website, serving over 30 million queries per day on a single server. With Nominatim, you can find places by name or address, look up addresses for a location, and even scale your installation to meet your specific needs.

Main Features

Nominatim's key features include:

  • Geocoding: Find places by name or address using free-form queries (e.g., "Cafe Paris, New York") or structured query modes (e.g., "postcode=12345", "city=London", "type=cafe").
  • Reverse Geocoding: Given a latitude and longitude anywhere on the planet, Nominatim can find the nearest address. It can also do the same for any OSM object given its ID.
  • Scalability: Run a search service for your city on a laptop or set up a larger server with data of the whole planet.
  • Configurability: Choose which features of OpenStreetMap are important to you, and Nominatim will import only what you tell it to.

By leveraging the constantly updated OpenStreetMap data, Nominatim ensures that your geocoding and reverse geocoding needs are always up-to-date. With its fast and scalable performance, Nominatim is an ideal solution for powering search boxes on websites or providing address lookup services.


Manticore Search
Star history

Star history for Nominatim