
A modern note taking application for the cloud, utilizing the best features of progressive web apps technology.

Product Overview: Plainpad

Plainpad is a modern note-taking application designed for the cloud, utilizing progressive web app technology to provide a seamless and secure experience. This self-hosted solution allows users to take control of their data, keeping it private and protected from prying eyes. With Plainpad, you can create notes, spreadsheets, whiteboards, and Kanban boards, making it an all-in-one note-taking application.

Main Features:

  • Customized Builds: Opt for a tailored solution that meets your business needs by defining the requirements and ordering a customized build.
  • Data Protection: Rest assured that your data is protected with Plainpad's commitment to privacy. Changes are synced once you're back online, so you can work on-the-go without worrying about losing any important information.
  • Collaboration: Easily share documents, notes, or other content with collaborators and track changes in real-time.
  • Customization: Tailor the application to your needs by opting for a customized build. Define the requirements and order a solution that suits your business needs.

Whether you're looking for an alternative to Google Drive or simply want to maintain control over your data, Plainpad is an excellent choice. With its user-friendly interface, customizable features, and commitment to privacy, this note-taking application is sure to impress.


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