
Web-based event management, including running a Call for Papers, reviewing submissions, and scheduling talks. Exports and imports for various related tools.

Product Overview

Pretalx is a web-based event management tool that simplifies the process of planning and executing conferences, including managing calls for papers, reviewing submissions, and scheduling talks. With Pretalx, you can streamline your conference's workflow, communicate with speakers, and publish schedules and updates with ease.

Main Features

  1. Call for Papers: Open a call for papers that fits your event's specific needs.
  2. Review and Talk Selection: Conduct anonymous or open reviews to select talks based on your criteria.
  3. Speaker Communication: Send emails to all submitters or a subset of your choice, with the ability to proofread and edit before sending.
  4. Scheduling and Publishing: Build a schedule around your speakers' needs, automatically publishing and communicating changes.
  5. Customizability: Pretalx is highly customizable, allowing you to adjust settings and plugins to match your event's unique style.
  6. Transparency: As an open-source project, Pretalx ensures that your data remains transparent and free from opaque analysis.
  7. Extendability: Pretalx comes with a plugin ecosystem, allowing you to extend its functionality to meet specific challenges or requirements.

By leveraging these features, Pretalx helps event organizers like you focus on what matters most – creating engaging conferences that bring people together.


Conference Organizing Distribution (COD)
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