RELATE is a web-based courseware package, includes features such as: flexible rules, statistics, multi-course support, class calendar.

Product Overview

RELATE (Environment for Learning And Teaching) is a web-based courseware package designed to facilitate easy content creation, flexible rules for participation and grading, and multiple-course support. This comprehensive platform allows instructors to host multiple courses on the same instance, making it an ideal solution for educational institutions and organizations.

Main Features of RELATE

  1. Easy Content Creation: RELATE's focus is on simplicity, with a text-based format for reusable course content based on standard YAML and Markdown.
  2. Flexible Rules: Versioning of content through deep integration with Git allows instructors to preview newly-authored content while students work with prior versions, all from the same instance of RELATE.
  3. Code Questions: Students can write code into a text box with syntax highlighting, sandboxed execution, automatic grading, and optional second-stage grading by a human.
  4. Class Calendar and Grade Book: RELATE offers calendar and event management, as well as grade book functionality, providing a centralized platform for tracking student progress.
  5. Statistics and Analytics: Instructors can access detailed statistics and analytics of student answers, facilitating data-driven decision making.
  6. Live Quizzes and Instant Messaging: The platform enables live quizzes in the classroom and instant messaging via XMPP, making it an ideal solution for real-time collaboration and feedback.

By leveraging Django's popularity as a web framework for Python, RELATE provides a robust and scalable solution for educational institutions seeking to streamline their courseware management and delivery.


Cozy Cloud
Kasm Workspaces
Star history

Star history for RELATE