
Keep secrets out of emails or chat logs, share them using secure links with passphrase and expiration dates.

Product Overview

Shhh is a project that allows users to securely share secrets, such as sensitive information, via secure links with passphrase and expiration dates. This ensures that confidential data remains protected from unauthorized access or prying eyes. With Shhh, users can keep their secrets safe by controlling who has access to the shared information and for how long.

Main Features

  • Secure sharing: Share sensitive information using secure links with passphrase and expiration dates.
  • Control access: Decide who can access the shared information and for how long.
  • Protection from unauthorized access: Keep your secrets safe from prying eyes or malicious actors.
  • Easy to use: Shhh is designed to be user-friendly, making it easy to share sensitive information securely.

Note: The above summary and features are based on the provided text and may not accurately reflect the actual functionality of the Shhh project.


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