A simple, lightweight and fast media server with decent mobile support.

Product Overview

SPIS (Simple Private Image Server) is a lightweight, fast, and simple media server designed for serving images, videos, and other multimedia files privately on your local network or internet. With its progressive web app (PWA) feature, you can add SPIS to your desktop or mobile device's home screen, making it easily accessible from anywhere.

Main Features

SPIS boasts several notable features that set it apart from other media servers:

  • Progressive Web App (PWA): Add SPIS as a PWA on your desktop or mobile device for easy access and offline support.
  • Lightweight and Fast: Designed to be efficient, SPIS ensures fast file serving without overwhelming system resources.
  • Decent Mobile Support: With its PWA feature, SPIS provides a seamless experience on mobile devices, allowing you to enjoy your media collection anywhere.
  • No File System Scanning: Unlike other media servers, SPIS never reads images from the file system and serves them. This approach ensures efficient and secure file serving.

To get started with SPIS, follow these steps:

  1. Open up SPIS on http://yourserver:8080
  2. Run make dev or open three terminals and run make dev-nginx, make dev-server, and make dev-gui
  3. Open http://localhost:7000 in your browser to access the media server

For more information, please refer to the project's release notes, development setup, and documentation.


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