
Open-source webhooks as a service that makes it super easy for API providers to send webhooks.

Svix: Revolutionizing Webhooks for API Providers

Svix is an open-source webhooks service that simplifies the process of sending webhooks to external scripting languages, notification channels, and more. This innovative project enables API providers to focus on building their applications while leaving the complexity of webhook management behind.

Main Features

  1. Basic Webhook Support: Svix provides straightforward support for external scripting, allowing developers to send webhooks with ease.
  2. Notifications: Svix offers notifications over multiple channels, including:
    • Browser
    • Telegram
    • Pushover
    • Discord
  3. Mobile-Friendly Site: The Svix site is optimized for mobile devices and features a Progressive Web App (PWA) for seamless user experiences.
  4. Video Exporting: Svix allows exporting videos to external files, SFTP, or YouTube, making it easy to share and manage video content.
  5. Batch Processing: Enable webhooks for all finished captures at once or run them for an entire channel simultaneously.

Getting Started

To start using Svix, you can explore the sending guides, which cover various programming languages and frameworks, including:

  • Python (with Django & Flask)
  • JavaScript (with NodeJS & Express)
  • TypeScript
  • Go
  • Java (with Spring)
  • Kotlin
  • Rust
  • C# (with ASP.NET)
  • PHP (with Laravel)
  • Ruby
  • Svix CLI

Backed By

Svix is backed by a team of experienced developers and maintained under the MIT License. Learn more about Svix at


Wiki.js (Antragsgrün)
Open Event Server
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