Task Keeper

List editor for power users, backed by a self-hosted server.

Task Keeper: A Self-Hosted List Editor for Power Users

Task Keeper is a powerful self-hosted list editor designed specifically for power users. This tool allows you to organize, plan, and track every aspect of your business in a single workspace. With Task Keeper, you can streamline your workflow, boost productivity, and enhance collaboration with your team.

Main Features:

  1. Flexible List Editor: Task Keeper's core feature is its flexible list editor that allows you to create, edit, and manage tasks, projects, and lists in a way that suits your specific needs.
  2. Customizable Workflow: The platform offers an extensive range of customizable workflow options, enabling you to use any methodology, traditional or agile, that works best for your team.
  3. Real-time Collaboration: Task Keeper enables seamless collaboration with your team members, allowing them to participate in the development and execution of business goals.
  4. Robust Search and Filter Options: The platform provides robust search and filter options to help you quickly find specific tasks, projects, or lists.
  5. Integrations: Task Keeper integrates seamlessly with other tools and services, such as Git and SVN, to provide a comprehensive project management solution.
  6. Powerful Reporting and Analytics: The platform offers powerful reporting and analytics capabilities to help you track progress, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions.

With Task Keeper, you can finally say goodbye to the hassle of using multiple tools for different aspects of your business. This self-hosted list editor is designed specifically for power users who demand flexibility, customization, and control over their workflow.


Cozy Cloud
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