
Totally private personal database and note taking app.

Product Overview

Turtl is a secure, collaborative notebook that allows users to organize their life by storing and syncing notes across multiple devices. This private personal database and note-taking app prioritizes user data protection using high-end cryptography, ensuring that only authorized individuals can access the information.

Main Features

  1. Secure Data Storage: Turtl uses advanced cryptography to protect user data from unauthorized access.
  2. Collaboration and Sharing: Users can share their notes with others without compromising security, making it ideal for teams and family members.
  3. Organize and Search Notes: Easily organize and search notes using Markdown format, text queries, or tags.
  4. Spaces for Organization: Create Spaces to categorize and manage notes, making it easy to find specific information later.
  5. Open-Source and Community Driven: Turtl is an open-source project, allowing users to review the code and contribute to its development.

Additional Features

  1. Visit Activity and Conversation Performance Metrics: Monitor conversation performance metrics, such as reply rate times and response averages, to track engagement and improvement.
  2. Help Center and Knowledge Base Integration: Integrate Turtl with a Help Center or Knowledge base system for comprehensive customer support.
  3. Custom Domain or Webchat Integration: Choose to host your own Turtl server at home or in the workplace, giving you more control over your data.

Development and Community

  1. Developer Guides: Find guides for setting up development environments on macOS, Ubuntu, Windows 10, and Docker.
  2. Minimum System Requirements: Ensure you meet the minimum versions of Ruby (2.6+), PostgreSQL (10+), Redis (2.6+), and other dependencies.
  3. Contributing to Turtl: Learn how to contribute to the project by reviewing the code, providing feedback, or participating in community discussions.

Additional Resources

  1. Documentation: Access extensive documentation on Turtl's features, usage, and development.
  2. FAQs: Review frequently asked questions about Turtl and its ecosystem.
  3. Contact: Reach out to the Turtl team for support, feedback, or general inquiries.


Star history

Star history for Turtl