yt-dlp Web UI

Web GUI for yt-dlp.

Product Overview

yt-dlp Web UI is a web-based graphical user interface (GUI) for the yt- dl-p project, which provides a low-latency, high-quality voice chat software primarily intended for use while gaming. The Web UI offers an easy-to-use and intuitive way to interact with the yt-dl-p system, allowing users to access its features and functionality through a web browser.

Main Features

The yt-dlp Web UI offers several key features that make it an essential tool for anyone using the yt-dl-p system. Some of the main features include:

  • Navigation: The Web UI provides an intuitive navigation menu that allows users to easily access different parts of the system.
  • Media Management: Users can upload, manage, and playback media files (such as audio and video) directly within the Web UI.
  • Channel Management: The Web UI allows users to create, manage, and join channels, making it easy to communicate with others while gaming or engaging in other activities.
  • User Management: Users can manage their own profiles, including setting their status, managing their friends list, and configuring their notification settings.
  • Real-time Notifications: The Web UI provides real-time notifications for important events, such as new messages or changes to channel settings.

By providing a user-friendly interface for interacting with the yt-dl-p system, the yt- dl-p Web UI makes it easy for users to get started and start enjoying the benefits of this powerful voice chat software.


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