
Realtime collaborative notebook app based on Markdown that supports running Elixir code snippets, TeX and Mermaid Diagrams. Easily deployed using Docker or Elixir.

Product Overview

Livebook is a real-time collaborative notebook app based on Markdown that supports running Elixir code snippets, TeX, and Mermaid diagrams. It allows users to create interactive and collaborative code notebooks with rich output, automation, and reproducibility. With features like versionable notebooks, custom runtimes, and decentralized deployment options, Livebook is a powerful tool for developers, researchers, and teams.

Main Features

  • Versionable Notebooks: Notebooks are stored in the .livemd format, which is a subset of Markdown with support for diagrams via Mermaid and mathematical formulas via KaTex. This makes it easy to share and manage notebooks using version control.
  • Custom Runtimes: When executing Elixir code, users can choose from three options: start a fresh Elixir instance, connect to an existing node, or run it inside an existing Elixir project.
  • Rich Code Editor: Livebook features a robust code editor through CodeMirror, which includes support for autocompletion, inline documentation, code formatting, and more.
  • Interactive Results: Users can display Vega-Lite charts, tables, maps, and more using Kino's interactive results feature.
  • Automation: Smart cells allow users to perform high-level tasks and write notebooks faster than ever. This includes querying databases, plotting charts, building maps, and more.
  • Collaboration: Multiple users can work on the same notebook at once without additional setup required.
  • Decentralized Deployment: Livebook is open-source and can be run anywhere. The "Run in Livebook" badge makes it easy to import any Livebook into your own Livebook.


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