
A self hosted virtual browser ( clone) that runs in Docker.

Neko: A Self-Hosted Virtual Browser for Secure and Private Browsing

Neko is a revolutionary self-hosted virtual browser that runs in Docker and utilizes WebRTC technology to provide a secure, private, and interactive browsing experience. This powerful tool allows users to access the internet, run applications, and perform other tasks within a fully functional browser environment, all while maintaining isolation and security.

Main Features of Neko

  • Multi-User Support: Neko enables multiple users to access it simultaneously, making it ideal for teams or organizations that need to share access to a browser.
  • Real-Time Synchronization and Interactivity: Leverage real-time synchronization and interactivity to collaborate with others, access shared resources, or simply share access to a browser with friends or family.
  • Secure and Private Browsing: Neko provides a secure and private browsing experience by running in a virtual environment, giving users the ability to browse the web securely and privately from anywhere.
  • Full Desktop Environment Support: Install a full desktop environment (e.g., XFCE, KDE) on Neko, allowing you to control your entire VM or even install and run multiple applications simultaneously.
  • Containerization: Run Neko in a container (Docker) for added security and isolation.
  • Future-Proof Architecture: Neko's architecture is designed to be future-proof, with the potential to integrate with other protocols, such as RDP or VNC, allowing it to act as a WebRTC relay server.

Comparison and Use Cases

While Neko started as a virtual browser for multiple users, its capabilities extend far beyond just browsing. You can use it to run any Linux application (e.g., VLC) or even install a full desktop environment. This versatility makes Neko an attractive solution for developers, privacy-conscious individuals, and teams seeking secure collaboration.

Get Involved

  • Contribute: Join the community of contributors by opening issues, submitting pull requests, or sponsoring the project.
  • Learn More: Explore the project's documentation, license, and release history to gain a deeper understanding of Neko's capabilities and development process.


Kasm Workspaces
Star history

Star history for Neko