
Trac is an enhanced wiki and issue tracking system for software development projects.

Product Overview: Trac

Trac is an enhanced wiki and issue tracking system designed for software development projects. This powerful tool takes a minimalistic approach to web-based project management, aiming to help developers write great software while minimizing interference with established processes and policies.

With Trac, you can seamlessly integrate a version control system (such as Subversion or Git), create links between bugs, tasks, changesets, files, and wiki pages using wiki markup in issue descriptions and commit messages. The timeline feature provides an easy-to-use overview of project events, both current and past, while the roadmap shows upcoming milestones.

Main Features:

  • Enhanced wiki for collaborative documentation
  • Issue tracking system for bug management and task assignment
  • Integrated version control system (Subversion or Git) support
  • Timeline feature for easy project event tracking
  • Roadmap for visualizing upcoming milestones
  • Wiki markup in issue descriptions and commit messages for seamless linking

For a complete list of available wiki pages, see the TitleIndex.

To learn more about Trac, explore the following resources:

  • TracGuide for an in-depth look at using Trac
  • TracFaq for frequently asked questions and answers
  • Trac 1.6 or Trac 1.4 documentation for detailed information on specific versions
  • PluginList to discover available plugins and integrations
  • CookBook for recipes and examples of how to use Trac effectively

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