
A peer-to-peer chat app that is serverless, decentralized, and ephemeral.

Product Overview

Chitchatter is a peer-to-peer chat app that prioritizes security and decentralization. This serverless platform enables private and ephemeral communication between users, making it an ideal solution for organizations, individuals, or communities seeking to maintain control over their data. With no central service operator storing or mishandling communication data, Chitchatter eliminates the risks associated with relying on commercial interests or government pressure.

Main Features

  1. Decentralized Architecture: Chitchatter uses a web mesh architecture, ensuring that there is no single point of failure or centralized storage of communication data.
  2. Peer-to-Peer Communication: The app utilizes direct peer-to-peer communication for most functions, reducing the need for intermediaries and enhancing security.
  3. Ephemeral Messaging: Messages are never persisted to disk, ensuring that conversations remain temporary and cannot be retrieved once a user leaves a peer room.
  4. Client-Side Public-Key Cryptography: Automatic peer verification is achieved through client-side public-key cryptography, ensuring secure connections between users.
  5. Markdown Support and Syntax Highlighting: Chitchatter includes support for markdown formatting and syntax highlighting of code, making it an ideal platform for technical discussions or collaboration.
  6. Iframe Embedding: The app allows seamless embedding into other web applications via iframe, enabling developers to integrate Chitchatter into their projects.
  7. Multiline Messages and Themes: Users can create multiline messages by holding shift and pressing enter, and choose between dark and light themes to personalize their experience.


  1. No Centralized Data Storage: Chitchatter does not store any user data or communication history on its servers.
  2. No Analytics or Tracking: The app does not collect or track any user behavior or metadata, ensuring complete privacy and anonymity.
  3. Community-Driven and Unfunded: Chitchatter is a community-driven project with no corporate influence or financial interest involved.

By focusing on decentralized, peer-to-peer communication and eliminating centralized data storage, Chitchatter provides a secure and private solution for organizations, individuals, and communities seeking to maintain control over their data.


Quassel IRC
Prosody IM
Star history

Star history for Chitchatter