Multi-room persistent chat server.

Product Overview

MiAOU is a free, multi-room persistent chat server that allows users to create public or private rooms. To prevent impersonation, users must be logged in using the authentication features. MiAOU offers a range of features, including video and audio conferencing, markdown formatting, and a searchable history.

Main Features

MiAOU's main features include:

  • Authentication: Users must log in to access the chat server.
  • Multi-room support: Create public or private rooms for chatting with others.
  • Persistent history: A searchable history of conversations is maintained.
  • Video and audio conferencing: Engage in real-time video and audio chats with others.
  • Markdown formatting: Format text using Markdown syntax.
  • OAuth2 authentication: Secure authentication using OAuth2 standards.
  • Plugins: Many features are implemented as plugins, making it easy to extend the chat server's capabilities.

By hosting MiAOU on your own server, you can customize and control the chat experience for your users. If you're interested in contributing to the project, there are many opportunities to help shape the future of MiAOU.


Live Helper Chat
Cozy Cloud
The Lounge
Mars Server
Star history

Star history for MiAOU