
Syndie is a libre system for operating distributed forums.

Product Overview: Syndie

Syndie is an open-source system for operating distributed forums, offering a secure and consistent interface to various anonymous and non-anonymous content networks. This project enables users to create a decentralized forum environment where users can engage in discussions, share knowledge, and build communities without relying on centralized platforms. With Syndie, you can manage your online conversations in a way that respects user privacy and promotes free expression.

Main Features of Syndie

  1. Distributed Forums: Syndie allows you to create a decentralized forum environment where users can engage in discussions, share knowledge, and build communities.
  2. Anonymous and Non-Anonymous Content Networks: The system enables anonymous and non-anonymous content networks, providing a secure interface for various content platforms.
  3. Visit Activity and Conversation Performance Analytics: Syndie provides analytics on visit activity, such as reply rates and response averages, helping users understand their online discussions better.
  4. Custom Domain or In-Chat Help Center/Knowledge Base System: The system can be used to create a help center or knowledge base system that lives on a custom domain or within the same web chat for customer auto-assistance.

These features make Syndie an ideal platform for creating and managing distributed forums, promoting free expression, and respecting user privacy.


Quassel IRC
Prosody IM
Live Helper Chat
Red Eclipse 2